As a dental professional, you should know what you can and can’t do legally in the state of Michigan. Check back on this page frequently as we will post here any updates.
You also can visit the Public Health Code – Dentistry section online.
The Administrative Rules are available here.Michigan-Board-of-Dentistry-Rules_10-23
For additional information, you can contact the MDAA Board of Directors at info@midaa.org.
If you suspect a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant is performing procedures that they may not be licensed to do, you have the right to report this by filing an allegation with the State Licensing Board.
RDAs graduating before 2004 Must Take The RDA Update Course!
R.D.A.s that graduated before 2004 who took expanded duties update course can perform the additional expanded functions. If you graduated from an ADA/CODA accredited dental assisting program after 2004, your program includes the new expanded functions.
R.D.A.s that graduated prior to 2004 MUST TAKE THE RDA UPDATE COURSE! If you have any questions, please contact us.
You MUST complete an ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) approved program to take the Registered Dental Assistant “R.D.A.” Exam in Michigan. If you do not have a R.D.A. license in Michigan, you CAN NOT perform R.D.A. functions.
Your license MUST be posted in the office for patients to see!
You MUST complete an ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation approved (or substantially similar) course to take radiographs (X-rays), in Michigan. It is the LAW! Make sure you have proof of your training available in your dental office. If you have not taken a ADA/CODA approved radiography course you may take a course at any of the ADA/CODA accredited dental assisting programs, or have your dentist/employer purchase the ADA/CODA approved course from the MDA that can be taken under the supervision of a licensed dentist in your dental office.
Michigan State Board of Dentistry
The Michigan Board of Dentistry consists of 19 voting members: 8 dentists, 2 dental specialists, 4 hygienists, 2 registered dental assistants, and 3 public members.
The Michigan Board of Dentistry meets at 10 a.m. in the Ottawa Building, 611 W. Ottawa St. in Lansing. All meetings are in the Upper Level Conference Center, Room 3.
The upcoming Thursday meetings are:
August 12, 2021
October 14, 2021
December 9, 2021
Click here to access the most current schedule.
Michigan Board of Dentistry Public Notice 2021 Meeting Schedule